

Seneng liat iklan axe twist,yang cowonya bisa ganti2 gaya,gue suka ama style yang pake kaca mata jadi kepengen punya robot kaya gitu.penasaran ama wanginya yang katanya bisa berubah2,pasti keren tuh gag ngebosenin sesuai ama slogan nya "biar cewe ga gampang bosan...".tau aja kalau gue selalu bosan hahaha.apa gue mesti beli axe twist,ntar pas gue pake brubah kelamin lagi.itu kan farfum cowo.lagu yang di iklan juga enak

you're so lovely girl you got me on my knees if i find out you love turtles then a turtle i'll be you're so sweet girl i can't even see ya if you want a drink of water then a river i'll be say that you love me now and you'll always be with me i'll be there every single morning in your country here say that you need me always by your side now i'll be gentle as a rose throw away my pride never ask me to forget about you don't you ever tell me to live without your love I weasle on the girl if I don't have you I'll be so lost just like a bum without a dog

Mantap dah ni iklan

Selaen axe twist yang axe darktemptation(axe chocolate)matep juga iklannya,masih penasaran ampe sekarang pengen make axe chocolate pasti enak wanginya


Gue masi bahas seputar dunia pengangguran Banyak sih dari temen temen gue udah pada kerja, ya kerja di rumah sakit tepatnya. Berapa pun g...