

Udah berapa tahun gue berfikir apa judul lagu yang gue denger waktu kelas 6 sd apa smp ya.pokonya udah lama banget.gue ntn video klipnya bersama temen gue nopi.dia temen gue dari kecil,dulu gue suka maen ke rumahnya.gue cuma punya satu petunjuk yang gue inget cuma video klipnya ada orang lagi maen piano trus turun hujan kapur lama2 airnya
ngerndem piano.trus tuh orang nyanyi sambil maen piano.itu keren banget.lirik yang gue inget cuma you and I.berbagai keyword buat nyari apa judul lagu di mbah google tetep aja gag ketemu?.apa gue mesti ke dukun apa dedi kobuser,apa limbat,buat nanya apa si judul lagu itu?siapa pula yang nyanyi?.ini bener2 teka teki putih hitam yang di sampul bukunya ada cewe2 sexy TTS,Teka teki silang.besoknya gue denger lagu 100years nya five for fight.gue udah lama si tau lagu ni suaranya mirip bener rasanya tapi bukan kayanya.galau melanda ,kalo bener dia yang nyanyi apa judulnya.gue tanya mbah google lagunya five for fight apa aja si judulnya.gue udah donlod yang superman,i just love u,chance,..dan terakir udah putus asa the riddle.dan ternyata bener yang nyanyi five for fighting judulnya the riddle.bener2 teka teki seusai judulnya the riddle.lagsung seneng bgt rasanya sambil nyanyi2 gag peduli 2 jam lagi UAS.chek it dottt.videoklipnya menyusul.

There was a man back in
Whose heart ran out of
But before he died, I
asked him
Wait, what's the sense in
Come over me, Come
over me
He said,
"Son why you got to sing
that tune
Catch a Dylan song or
some eclipse of the moon
Let an angel swing and
make you swoon
Then you will see... You
will see."
Then he said,
"Here's a riddle for yah
Find the Answer
There's a reason for the
You and I..."
Picked up my kid from
school today
Did you learn anything
'cause in in the world
You can't live in a castle
far away
Now talk to me, come
talk to me
He said,
"Dad I'm big but we're
smaller than small
In the scheme of things,
well we're nothing at all
Still every mother's child
sings a lonely song
So play with me, come
play with me"
And Hey Dad
Here's a riddle for yah
Find the Answer
There's a reason for the
You and I...
I said,
"Son for all I've told yah
When you get right down
to the
Reason for the world...
Who am I?"
There are secrets that
we still have left to find
There have been
mysteries from the
beginning of time
There are answers we're
not wise enough to see
He said... You looking for
a clue I Love You free...
The batter swings and
the summer flies
As I look into my angel's
A song plays on while the
moon is high over me
Something comes over
I guess we're big and I
guess we're small
If you think about it man
you know we got it all
Cause we're all we got
on this bouncing ball
And I love you free
I love you freely
Here's a riddle for yah
Find the Answer
There's a reason for the
You and I...


Gue masi bahas seputar dunia pengangguran Banyak sih dari temen temen gue udah pada kerja, ya kerja di rumah sakit tepatnya. Berapa pun g...